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How are Interactive PDFs ANNOTABLE?


Updated: Mar 25, 2021

For four years, the only annotation tools I had available for use in my teletherapy platform were either the whiteboard tools only or the secret tools of Adobe Reader. Wait....How are Interactive PDFs Annotatable? Make sure you know where these free tools are the next time you open a PDF.

Fill &Sign

This is your basic "IEP" tool. You can add a checkmark, type a response, provide a signature, to name a few tools. However, I haven't found this tool as useful in therapy sessions as the Comment Tool, which has many more options in one place.


This is your go-to tool. This is where the money is at. This is the mother of all free Adobe secrets. Why? Let's take a look:

  1. Highlight: Use this tool to highlight target words for articulation students are selected prompts for your students to remember and keep them on task.

  2. Type: Use this tool to type in your verbal prompts, your student's responses, or to assign students to different parts of a PDF.

  3. Add Stamp: Use this tool to provide feedback like a check mark!

  4. Record Audio: Use this tool to record passages or instructions before sending home.

  5. Add Shape: Use this tool to create boardgames pieces that are moveable.

Need a visual? Watch the video below!

And now, you've been let in on the secret, too! Have fun!

-Angela C. Hancock, MSP, CCC-SLP

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