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If you want your digital materials to be adaptable for hands-on activities, you need to know How to PRINT a NO PRINT. You already know that printing a true NO PRINT has its problems such as full color (i.e., expensive ink) and one target per page (i.e., lots of $$ paper). However, there are a couple printing options for PDFs you can check and click for a quick PRINTABLE adaptation.

Print a No Print

1: Grayscale: You’ll likely still use more black ink than you would with a worksheet or task card designed in black & white format, but it won’t cost nearly as much as all that color ink.

Print a No Print
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2: Select Specific Slides: There’s nothing that says you have to print all the pages! Don’t forget to use your “1-4, 8, 32-33” markers to print only the pages you need.

3: Multiple Slides on One Page: Let’s say you’ve got a NO PRINT resource that have tons of task cards with one target per page. By selecting “multiple” while printing, you can create a worksheet with multiple targets or mini flip cards.

Print a No Print
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4: Outline Format with Response Lines: Choosing outline format is another option for printing if you have a NO PRINT resource that requires discussion, written responses, or open-ended responses.

5: Orientation: Don’t forget about this option! While most NO PRINTs are landscape orientation, you may want to experiment with portrait orientation for printing. Depending on the number of slides/pages you want to print, you may be able to squeeze more in when you change the orientation.

With these printing options, NO PRINT resources have such an advantage in versatility. Their adaptability makes them the perfect resource for the TeleSLP and In-person SLP.

Do you have any additional printing tricks? If so, I’d love to know! Leave me a comment in the feedback form below.

-Angela C. Hancock, MSP, CCC-SLP

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Print a No Print

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