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TACKLING TECH: Platforms and Remote Mouse Control

Updated: Mar 25, 2021

Allowing a client or student to control the mouse on screen when screen-sharing is a game-changer. Wondering how you can start Tackling Tech: Platforms and Remote Mouse Control? Let's see if I can answer some of your frequently asked questions.

Wireless Computer Mouse

In speech-language therapy, remote mouse control is especially important for a whole host of skills that require students to use varying modes of communication. Static and interactive PDFs, Boom Cards™, power point games, and websites take on a new level of interactivity when a student is able to independently click, move, or drag objects that are apart of their platform activity.

Where is remote mouse control located on my platform?

Need a one-stop link list to a support page or video showing you how to give and take back control of the mouse? Here you go...

If you don't see your platform in this list, it doesn't necessarily mean that remote mouse control is not an option. Simple Practice and Microsoft Teams may support this feature to paying customers. To my knowledge, the following platforms do not have remote mouse control capability: Google Meet,, Blackboard Ultra. However, if you want to be sure, I highly recommending contacting your chosen platform's support service for additional help.

PRO TIP: Set expectations with the visuals found in the VIP FREEBIES for using remote mouse control BEFORE giving control to a client or student! Otherwise, it may prove difficult to take control back.

What do I need to do to share mouse control?

Platforms and Remote Mouse Control
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Here's your quick look at my sequence for sharing mouse control...

  1. Check your prerequisites (i.e., browser or app supported?)

  2. Check the supported devices (Chromebooks often not supported)

  3. Share your computer screen

  4. Set expectations for taking turns

  5. Assign remote mouse control

  6. Move your mouse to override

  7. Re-assign remote mouse control

What if my platform doesn't allow for remote mouse control?

Don't be disappointed! Don't feel like you're missing out. In my four and a half years of teletherapy, my platform didn't allow me to give mouse control to my students and this often led to more specific and clear verbal communication. Moreover, not every client is appropriate for remote mouse control, nor is every client ready to receive mouse control during every session. If you need some ideas for NO PRINT resources that work well for screen-sharing without remote mouse control, static PDFs are your best friend; however, other types of true NO PRINT resources will add interaction and engagement in your therapy sessions all by their own design.

-Angela C. Hancock, MSP, CCC-SLP

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