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Problems Using Adobe Reader in Teletherapy? Time to SPLIT!


Updated: Mar 3, 2021

If you’re using static or interactive PDFs in your telepractice, chances are you’re already experiencing these three Problems Using Adobe Reader in Teletherapy. If PDFs are part of your regular digital toolbox for teletherapy, you won't want to miss these solutions for problems you're having when viewing multiple PDFs at once. Hint: It’s time to SPLIT!

Take a few seconds to review these ways therapy time is lost when using multiple PDFs:

Problem #1: You can't find that 1 PDF tab out of the 15 tabs that are open.

Flipping back and forth between PDFs can be challenging if you’ve opened 15 different tabs to be prepared for your students on your daily schedule.

Solution: SPLIT your PDF tabs into different windows; then, use a drag and drop approach to organize.

Problem #2: You're constantly alternating between views of the PDF game board and your prompts.

If you’re using Adobe’s tools to play a board game and have your PDF stimuli open as well, you might be losing therapy time searching and flipping between PDFs to get back to your game board after every set of prompts.

Solution: SPLIT your PDFs so that your game board like this summer-themed freebie is in one window and your task prompts are in a separate window; then, use a SPLIT-screen approach for entire screen-sharing in telepractice.

Summer Analogies and Game Board Split Screen

Problem #3: Navigating back to the "teaching visuals" in the middle of task prompts is annoying.

Navigating within interactive PDFs is pretty quick with ”home,” “next,” and “back“ buttons, but wouldn’t it be easier if you could see different parts of the same PDF simultaneously when trying to teach a concept?

Solution: Open the same PDF in multiple tabs. You can open the same PDF once, twice, or as many times as you need. SPLIT your PDFs so that your teaching visuals are in one window and your task prompts are in a separate window; then, use a SPLIT-screen approach for entire screen-sharing in telepractice.

NO PRINT Picturing Feelings
PRO TIP: Don't know how to open the same PDF multiple times? Check out THIS VIDEO from Stacy Crouse.

I hope you've learned a few simple tricks to help your teletherapy sessions flow seamlessly between PDF activities!

-Angela C. Hancock, MSP, CCC-SLP

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